News in Gastroenterology 2024

Dear colleagues and friends,
We are thrilled to invite you to join the second edition of “ News in Gastroenterology “ in Cluj-Napoca at Radisson Blu, on the 8-9th of November 2024, during two days of concentrated information dedicated to gastroenterology and hepatology advances.
Following the idea of bringing together “ the best of the best “ scientist from inside Romania, we have the great honor to host great international personalities, authors of European guidelines and masters in their field of expertise. The meeting will highlight the latest news useful for daily practice and relevant for the patient care in gastroenterology ,endoscopy, hepatology and inflammatory bowel disease, by combining the state-of the art lectures with interactive case presentation sessions.
Our aim this year is to explore the progress in gastrointestinal oncology, bilio-pancreatic pathology, diffuse liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, infectious colitis , celiac diseases and gastroesophageal reflux diseases.
We are looking forward to meeting you back for medical science in Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, at hotel Radisson Blu!
Președinți Conferință,
Prof. Dr. Andrada Seicean
Prof. Dr. Cristian Gheorghe
8 noiembrie 2024
Se termină
9 noiembrie 2024
Societatea Română de Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie